***Mark your calendars for March 25th, 2025 at 07:00pm at Oklahoma Aeronautics Academy will be hosting FAA Meeting: CFI Responsibilities, Authorities and Liabilities***

FAR 1, 43, 61,91
NTSB Accident Reporting CFR49§830
Applicable portions of the AIM
Aeronautical decision making and judgement
Aircraft components and subcomponents
Human Factors
Primary and Secondary flight controls
Aircraft Powerplants
General aviation aircraft systems
Principals of weight and balance
Weight and balance computations
Principals of Aerodynamics,
Weather theory
Weather products and services, on-line flight briefings
Aeromedical physiology considerations, oxygen use, medical certificates, and medical reporting requirements
Recognition of critical weather situations from ground and in flight
Weather aeronautical decision making
Aircraft performance and charts
Density Altitude awareness
Effects of density altitude on takeoff and climb performance
Angle of attack and stall awareness
Spin entry, spins, spin recovery techniques
Inflight spin training
Safe and efficient operation of the aircraft
Airspace, special use airspace, NOTAM’s and TFR’s
National airspace system utilization procedures
Standard radio communications phraseology
Familiarization of aeronautical charts, chart supplements and chart symbology
Use of Aeronautical charts and supplements
ASA CX-3 Flight Computer operations
Pilotage, DED reckoning and electronic navigation
Cross country navigation and ATC communications procedures
Preflight planning, obtaining all information concerning a cross country flight

Our Ground school is the educational portion of your aeronautical pilot training. The Requirements required to pass the Private Pilot Knowledge test (written exam) is 70% or better to pass. At Oklahoma Aeronautics Academy, we have an individual passing rate which is above the national average.
Most flight training facilities provide aircraft and flight instructors to help you obtain your private pilot certificate, but that is only a part of becoming a safe and competent pilot. We do not tell our students to go online and listen to a pre-programed ground school that is designed to provide the very minimum knowledge for passing the FAA knowledge test.
We provide a one-on-one personal classroom environment and one of our flight instructors who will help you learn all of the aeronautical topics required by the FAA, plus there are much more subjects taught by instructors with thousands of flight hours that will guide you being a safe, competent, and well-educated pilot.
During your ground school training, you will receive complimentary access to the academy's flight simulator with an instructor. This opportunity offers significant savings while allowing you to enhance your skills in preparation for upcoming flights.